Suzuki 2024. Global Sales Hit the Best Performance Out of Last 15 Years


Suzuki Motorcycles is in a fast line. Global sales are improving and in 2024 reached a peak of 2.1 million (+6.1%) sales, the best results out of the last 15 years. Outstanding performance reported in India, Turkey, Germany and Colombia.


McD tracks new vehicles registrations across the World (over 90 countries), reporting data on calendar year. When you wish to compare data reported by us to those declared by the manufacturers, consider they usually report their “sales” (vehicles invoiced), which are usually different from “registrations”, accordingly with their fiscal year split. 

Suzuki actually ranks as the seventh largest motorcycles/scooter manufacturer in the world, considering annual global registrations, and it is gaining terrain.

Following the sharp fall suffered in 2020, during the last four years global sales are improving and in 2024 reached a peak of 2.1 million (+6.1%) sales, the best results out of the last 15 years.

The performance is driven up by the success in the largest country for Suzuki, India (+17.3%) with sales doubled from 2020.

Outstanding was the performance in Western Europe (+23.4%) in Latin America (+23.4%) and in East Europe (+140.2%), while sales declined in China (-25.4%).

Looking at single countries, we noted as remarkable the score reported in Germany (+47.1%), Bangladesh (+59%), Colombia (+5.4%). France (+30.5%), Argentina (+36.8%) and, of course, Turkey (+157%).

Suzuki GSX 8

Suzuki GSX125